Scenic Beach State Park Trails

Another typical state park that is worth the trip

Similar in some ways to Illahee State Park, Scenic Beach offers beach access, limited traditional hiking, camping, picnic areas, and other amenities that are common in Washington State Parks.

Whether camping or just visiting for the day, hike the trail above the beach and continue on the forest trail around the east side of the park.  Extend the walk by  circling through the campground loop and the day use areas to complete a 3 mile trip.



Trails Overview Map

Scenic Beach State Park Trails

Being a Washington State Park, expect to show your Discover Pass or pay $10 for a day visit.  It is certainly worth it to buy the $30 statewide pass for unlimited visits to state-managed parks.

Positioned on Hood Canal, the park offers scenic views as the name implies, along with amenities and features that you would expect in a state park.

Trails are generally well-maintained, but it can be difficult to determine what is a trail or a short path to nowhere.

Similar to Illahee State Park, but lacking the stimulating hike down to the beach, you can string together a number of walking routes to make a 3-mile trip.

Meander through the day use areas and check out the old structures and water views.

Enjoy the forest hike where you probably won’t encounter anyone.  Outside of the summer season, you’ll have the campground loop to yourself, allowing even those with mobility challenges to enjoy the paved surface.

A visit to Scenic Beach can easily be combined with a more traditional hike at the nearby Guillemot Cove Nature Reserve or Anderson Landing Preserve, both managed by Kitsap County.

Additional Maps

The map below provides a different perspective on Scenic Beach State Park’s trails with  satellite imagery and elevation hillshading

3D Maps

See the maps below for more realistic 3D perspective views of Scenic Beach State Park Trails.  

For more information, visit the authoritative Scenic Beach State Park page