Why is this site here?
Every day it seems like I stumble into yet another trail that I didn’t know about, so it became my goal to stumble into as many of them as possible and eventually document and present them in a uniform and consistent way. This spring, summer, and fall I walked, hiked, and biked all the trails shown here with a few exceptions, capturing location and other data along the way.
This site came into existence almost by accident. I became frustrated with all the trail-related websites that only show a few trails. By design, cities, counties, and state parks & recreation websites only have information on the parks and trails in their jurisdiction. Other non-jurisdictional sites, only tend to show the most popular trails, making it difficult to discover the wide range of trail options within an easy drive, bike, or bus ride from where we live.
Most parks do not have trail systems large enough to justify creating trail maps, so I have concentrated on parks which primarily feature trails or areas with larger trail networks. Towards the end of the initial development phase, I decided to focus more on the less obvious parks and trails. Some of the trail systems are not in parks at all and are therefore less likely to be discovered by most of us.
This is not a commercial site, so you won’t be distracted ty ads or offered anything for a fee. It does not track you in any way and your email address will not be saved if you use the contact form to send feedback.
Please use the contact form to provide feedback of any kind. If you like what you see, please let me know. If you do not like something or wish to see something added or changed, I would love to hear about that as well. Tell me about your favorite trail and maybe it will be added next. I will only contact you in return if you include your email address and ask for a reply.
Thanks for visiting!
Provide a useful resource for easy visualization the trails available to us all
Continued commercial free access to outdoor recreation information
- Preservation of recreation areas
- Promotion of outdoor education
- Support agencies responsible for maintaining parks and trails